Johanna Bergan

Program Manager

Johanna Bergan, BA, is a Program Manager at Innovations Institute, University of Connecticut School of Social Work. She provides training and technical assistance (TA) to states and communities working to improve outcomes for children, youth, and families receiving support from behavioral health, child welfare, and juvenile justice systems. Johanna previously served as Executive Director of Youth MOVE National (Motivating Others through Voices of Experience), leading a youth movement to elevate voices of lived experience into system and policy design. Her work at Youth MOVE included local chapter development; youth advocacy at local, state, and federal levels; and nonprofit leadership. Johanna is an experienced trainer in adaptive leadership, curriculum development in leadership and peer services, a skilled facilitator and strategic planner, leveraging skills in change management to support organizational and systems transformation. Johanna has provided virtual and onsite training and TA to Youth MOVE chapters, federal grantees, recovery-oriented and peer-run organizations, and the mental health field, specializing in intensive, long term coaching efforts. She has served on leadership teams for federal and state contracts for training and TA including the SAMHSA-funded Children’s Mental Health Initiative National Evaluation; the National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC); Now Is the Time TA Center; MHTTC Region 9; BRSS TACS; and she served as Principal Investigator for the Youth MOVE Peer Center, a SAMHSA grant via the National Consumer and Consumer Supporter TA Center initiative. Uplifting and valuing voices of lived experience is central to all of Johanna’s work and she is a dedicated peer support champion. Johanna has a BA in political science from Luther College.

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Research Interests
  • Systems Reform
  • Youth Behavioral Health Systems Design
  • Patient Centered Care
  • Systems of Care Implementation
  • Peer Service Delivery