Together with our partners, Innovations Institute develops white papers and briefs with best practice guidelines, scholarly papers on our research and evaluation results, and technical assistance documents for transforming public- serving systems. Below are some of our latest publications. You can also find numerous resources on Innovations, our learning management system, and on our YouTube channel.

Family Reunification Month
During the month of June, our National Quality Improvement Center on Family-Centered Reunification (QIC-R) developed new resources on supporting the timely, stable, and lasting reunification of families with children in foster care. Check out our series of video perspectives from the field highlighting the work of family court judges, peer support partners, and others working to reunite families.

Circle of Love Podcast
During National Family Reunification Month 2024, Innovations Institute launched our first podcast. Join us each week as the story of Victoria Gray and her family unfolds. This intimate portrait of one "grand-led family" illustrates the systemic challenges, struggles, realities, and triumphs of providing care for its youngest members and their journey through the child welfare system. Listen to the podcast.

Mobile Response and Stabilization Services National Best Practices
The inclusion of MRSS within a comprehensive system of care (SOC) and crisis continuum is a core component of a good and modern children’s behavioral health system. Read these guiding principles and best practices from Innovation Institute’s National Mobile Response & Stabilization Services Quality Learning Collaborative.

The Evolution of the System of Care (SOC) Approach
Referenced by SAMHSA’s most recent Children’s Mental Health Initiative Notice of Funding Opportunity, this document describes the evolution of the SOC approach, and presents updates in the philosophy, infrastructure, services, and supports that comprise the SOC framework. The revisions are based on expert consultation and input from the field and reflect a consensus on the future directions of SOC.

A Safe Place to Be: Crisis Stabilization Services and Other Supports for Children and Youth
The essential elements of a community-based crisis service array designed specifically to meet the needs of youth and their families in their homes and communities are outlined in our recent publication.